Monday, June 10, 2013


Ginger dog went in for tail removal surgery this past Thursday because she's so excitable that she bangs it against anything and everything and as a result, she damaged her tail.  So, now she has a bloody nub for a tail.  She's having to stay in her kennel except for a few daily walks we're taking her on to allow her bathroom breaks and a little exercise that isn't too strenuous. 

Bailey dog has really missed playing with Ginger dog, and vice versa.  And after seeing how much pain Ginger was in, I don't see how anyone can do that for purely asthetic purposes.

On an almost related note, we looked into the cost to kennel Bailey and Ginger while we're gone in July, and it is outrageously expensive (Like $60 a day for both, which would amount to over $1250), so that isn't an option.  We're hoping to get a neighbor (or combination of neighbors) to let the dogs out each morning, make sure they have food and water out there with them, and let them back in each night, since grandma won't be able to do it.  We probably only need them to do it on weekdays since Jeanette should be here on the weekends to help grandma out.

We cleaned the carpets in the toy room, and as a side result, decided to turn the formal dining room into an office since we've only used it twice since moving in nearly three years ago.  We're moving the formal dining stuff elsewhere in the house (and repurposing the table to be our puzzle table in our bedroom and saving up for a partners peninsula desk.

We are also kicking around the idea of selling the '53 Mercury and buying a working (or at least assembled) classic car for our car restoration project.  If we decide to stick with the '53 Mercury restoration project, it's likely to cost well over two to three times the high end book sale price for that car which is about $9400.  If we do decide to go with a different car, we'll likely try to sell the body and frame for the Mercury soon and put that money towards the new car and/or furniture we need/want.  The issue comes down to whether the emotional attachment to that specific car is high enough to stick with it, or if the spirit of the idea of hot rodding a car in Candice's dad's memory will work instead.  It's totally Candice's decision to make.

We also have prioritized the various furniture items we plan to buy over the next few years.  I think I'm going to start a savings account at our brick and mortar local bank and set up an allotment of pay to go there that we will not touch except for the items in the prioritized list (which may include the classic car mentioned above).

I installed a sprinkler system in Candice's main flower garden that will operate most nights.  In the next few weeks, I hope to also have the other flower garden on the sprinkler system.  On a related note, I now have to re-bury a portion of the sprinkler system in the back yard, since Bailey bad dog dug it up.  Grrrrrr.  >:-(
We've also decided it will be easier to spray weed killer over our vegetable garden to catch up with the massive numbers of thistles that have overtaken it.  We can't keep up right now, and if we can just kill it all off this year, maybe we can resume an actual garden next year.  We might plant some of the plants (like the watermellon, etc) elsewhere for this year (like possibly behind the pine tree) since we do have it anyway.

We still haven't made any more headway on Megi's room in the past few months, but maybe now that we have a plan for most of the rooms, we'll get going on that again soon, too.  We've changed the disign concept of several of our rooms.  the kitchen, which was going to have a Coca Cola motif, will now have a blue motif.  The formal dining room was originally going to have the blue motif, but will now be a Coca Cola designs office space.  The toy room will now be a southwestern decorated parlor/play room (until the kids get older when it'll become just a parlor/formal living room), and the foyer which was going to be southwestern, will house grandma's Chicken collection/designs.  We're still leaning towards the red and green colors of the living room/den, and the sports designs for the loft.
Anyway, that's all I have for this entry.  Thanks for reading!

Quill Writing

Quill Writing