First, let’s learn something. The word of the day is pareidolia. That's the phenomenon of seeing an "image of significance" in another object. Like seeing the image of Jesus in burnt toast, Lincoln's silhouette in a sock on the floor, a Dorito that looks like Xenu, the Virgin Mary’s image appearing in a piece of paper chewed by a dog, seeing “666” or the devil’s face in fire damage on the side of a building, or even seeing images such as bunnies in clouds. It’s part of the human condition to try and find significance where there almost certainly is none, because if there isn’t more meaning to the world, then we’re doomed, I say! Doomed! Okay, enough hyperbole. Let’s get on with the blog.
As you saw from the previous blog post, we finished Donna’s room enough to move her into it. Well, now we’ve started on Megi’s room. The ceiling is now painted and the trim is tapped off. I just need to tape the accent wall away from the other three so we can get started on them.
Candice and I started a discussion the other day on whether we still want to restore the ’53 Mercury. She noted that we’ll always have higher priority financial projects. I’m good either way, but want her to be sure that she won’t have any regrets before we make the final decision if we don’t do it. The plus side of doing it would be that we’d have one sweet ride. The plus side of not doing it would be reclaiming garage space and having extra money (presumably) for Candice’s business and/or a snow blower (and a place to put it).
Megi’s at that awkward size where size 18 month clothes make her look like a superhero wearing tights and 24 month clothes make her look like she was shrunk by a “Honey I Shrunk The Kids” ray, but her clothes didn’t shrink.
We just replenished Gabe’s pants wardrobe again for the fourth time in a little over 12 months. He now wears size 14 pants. He turns 8 in a few weeks, ughh. Fortunately, his upper body growth isn’t as pronounced and he can usually wear shirts slightly longer, but he’ll need the next size shirts within the next few weeks, too (size 12s I think).
Donna doesn’t have much going on. Amazingly, since she moved into her new room, she’s been pretty good about putting her dirty clothes away in the hamper.
Candice broke a finger on her right hand, and has been out of commission for her business and will be for a few more weeks. Also, her oxygen concentrator has started to malfunction, which is fortunate timing that they are at the same time and not consecutive (though she needs to get back in touch with the company to make sure it’s still under warranty and get it fixed soon to keep them from being consecutively timed events).
My sister-in-law Jan came out to Denver for a work related conference and got to come visit with us one evening. It’s too bad she didn’t have more time to visit. We’re also sending out a couple of books to her that she informed us that hadn’t read (Pillars of the Earth and World Without End). Hopefully, she can make some time to read them as both are excellent books by Ken Follett.
That’s all for this post. Thanks for reading!
An aspiring author's trek through life as he tries to write while working as a satellite engineer to put food on the table and a roof over the head for his family. (Current artwork shown is Michael Konrad Hirt's A vanitas still life with a candle, an inkwell, a quill pen, a skull and books)
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Two out of three ain't bad...
So, we finally finished Donna's room (at least enough to move her in so we can start on Megi's room and reclaim our space). In the process, she moved up from a toddler bed to a full size bed. We still need to paint the dressers and add some shelves, but she's officially moved into her new room. That means two out of three kids have successfully been moved to their new rooms.
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