An aspiring author's trek through life as he tries to write while working as a satellite engineer to put food on the table and a roof over the head for his family. (Current artwork shown is Michael Konrad Hirt's A vanitas still life with a candle, an inkwell, a quill pen, a skull and books)
Monday, May 19, 2014
Lucky 13
In other news, Candice has been suffering from a mystery illness for over a month now. The doctor now thinks it is her gall bladder and/or an ulcer. She goes in tomorrow morning for an ultrasound for the gall bladder, and sometime later this week or next for a throat scope to find out about the ulcer (and esophageal cancer possibilities). Either way, we probably can't start and "hard" treatments until we return from vacation mid-June time-frame. Of course, we are both fighting off a head cold right now, too.
I just started the sprinklers and cut the grass for the first time this year, so spring/summer has officially begun now.
Also, I need to take out the "missile" (luggage container that we mount on the roof of the Santa Fe for vacations) and rinse it out since it got a lot of mud, etc. in it in the rain storms last year before we were able to get it inside out of the elements. We also need to start working on a "To Do" for getting ready for our vacation. (I'm pretty sure Candice just rolled her eyes as she read that.)
Anyway, that's all I have for right now, thanks for reading!
Friday, May 2, 2014
Juggling Stories
So, I was counting stories that I have in the works and finished. I currently have 12 stories completed (they still need editing to get the final "polish." I have 17 short stories I currently have in various stages of writing ranging from idea formed, but no words written, to over half-way written. I also have two much longer stories that have a lot of words written, but I don't really like them in their current form, so I plan to re-write them. I also have a story that was in the general genre of fantasy that I plan to turn into a series of about 20 short stories instead of one longer story. I'll probably include them all together and get the same effect as a longer story, but also individual stories/chapters should be able to stand mostly alone. So, all totaled, I have about 40-41 stories currently in work or completed.
On that note, I just finished one the other night. It is essentially a flash fiction story totaling around 750 words and 3 pages titled Modern Day Good Samaritan.
My basic hope / plan for the book is to have it ready to be purchased before the summer is half over so that more people can enjoy it during downtime from work. Ideally, it would be out at the beginning of the summer, but I don't see finishing the editing and cover design that soon.
So that's the latest on the writing front, thanks for reading.
Quill Writing