Well, it has been ages since I posted a blog. I'd like to say it's because I've been furiously working on writing and other projects. Sadly that's not the case (at least not until the last couple of days). I've just been a lazy bum.
But the good news is now I have drafts of all 13 stories that will go into my book. All I need is to have them go through editing and to get a cover picture. My original idea for the cover picture was to have a "yard sale" table set up with items on it that were reflective of each story in the collection. Instead, I'm thinking of buying a writing quill and ink well and handwriting the title of the book on parchment, then accenting it in a way that reflects the mood or theme of the book. In this case, stabbing it with a knife that has been bloodied with stage blood.
I also had previously called the title "Dark Stories For A Restless Night" but I'm thinking of making it "Dark Tales For A Restless Night." So I need your input on which you think it should be! Please respond here or on my Facebook author page (https://www.facebook.com/TAllanBishop).
The last story (which will actually be placed about 2/3 through it I think) is called "Muse."
So, that's the good news. Hopefully, I'll be following up with a post on all the other happenings (such as health, etc) in the next week or two.
ALSO, for those that "Like" my Facebook page, Facebook has recently started rolling out changes to allow you to see more of what you'd like to see in your newsfeed. Previously, artists, authors, and small businesses just getting started would only be seen if they got enough "likes" to warrant being seen by most of the people that liked their page. It's still kind of like that EXCEPT, now you can essentially choose to see all the posts and have them appear early in your newsfeed if you choose to. Hover over the "Liked" down arrow on their page and select "See First." This will ensure you get all updates, not just the ones Facebook deems worthy!
Thanks for reading my blog, and hopefully soon, my book!
-T. Allan Bishop