Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Thirteenth Story

So, our family has been sick for the past couple of weeks, and it hit me earlier this week.  I was diagnosed with Bronchitis.  So, I haven't been driving to work, which means I haven't been listening to Neuromancer.  As a consequence, I've had lots of ideas streaming through my brain (making me lean towards the idea that it's the story not the mood as proposed in the last blog post).  Of course, I haven't been able to write down most of them (I only managed to get one written down), because I haven't had the energy to go find a pad and pencil, etc.  Hopefully, I'll get "the story" idea before I start driving to work again (likely Monday).

On that note, let's delve into the not so mundane stuff going on in my family life this past week:

Candice now has full-blown pneumonia along with a staph infection and an ear/sinus infection.  Donna has a cough that the doctor said we're going to treat as a cold.  Megi has recovered from her pneumonia (though she still has a cough).  Gabe has a cough and a doctor's appointment Tuesday.  And Grandma went into the hospital because we thought she had the flu along with her toe infection and was getting dehydrated and barely able to eat anything.  Turns out it was mostly about the toe infection, which required her toe to be amputated.  Then while checking her out because of her staph infection, they discovered that the infection was affecting her heart valve, so they've transferred her to a Denver hospital for heart surgery tomorrow.

So, all-in-all, a rough week for the family.

That's all for this entry, thanks for reading.  (And if you are a fan of my T. Allan Bishop Facebook Page, please click "like" on the link to this I post there, Facebook isn't showing them to most of the people who have clicked like on the page but nothing more, and so a lot of people aren't seeing the blog updates when they are posted there, and the only way to remedy this is by getting more "likes" on posts there...)

Quill Writing

Quill Writing