So what’s been going on lately, you ask?
Well, we’ve got most of the guest bedroom painted, except for the edges and the trim. Then we have the bathroom to paint. We’re painting it blue and green a la Angry Birds, and we got Angry Birds Accessories for the bathroom too. I’ve also started sanding down the furniture to paint it.
Candice’s dad has been diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer that has already spread so far that they’re recommending he skip treatment and just enjoy the rest of his life. It sucks, but it looks like it’s going to get him a little more involved with his grandkids so they can develop some fond memories hopefully. We’re going to get pictures made soon, too.
The kittens are doing well, but it seems like phantom might not be a she. They won’t know for sure for a few more weeks. Chimera might also be a he, but they think the facial structure is more female. Who knew that you could sort of gauge a cat’s sex by their face? Well, I still can’t, but apparently vets can…
I’m starting a companion story for the story about the painting where I tell the story from the viewpoint of the ship that is inside the painting. Now if only I can get the time when I get in the writing groove.
I’ve also started back up with my scroll saws. I’m making a plaque for Candice that reads “Don’t Think Just Create” which is a paraphrasing of a Ray Bradbury quotation (Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things.) I’m going to stain the plaque backing light colors, the letters of the quote a darker color, and paint each individual letter of “Create” in rainbow colors.
We’ve also completed our Skylanders collection (except for getting the Wham-Shells). We’ve got two of each (one for each path they can choose), and started actually playing it.
Gabe is excited about doing chores. We got a magnetic/dry-erase chore board for the kids and he has his chores listed so he can get starts, which will earn him his choice of an allowance or playing mom and dad’s Wii for a while. We got it because he is always forgetting stuff, and it looks like it is going to work much better than we hoped! We just have to remember when the school year starts back up to add “homework” to the list of chores! On that same note, we probably need to come up with some chores for Donna to start doing. We did get her a chore board, too, after all.
And any of my readers who are also friends from Wordtrip, if you are a member of the Large Writing Group, you can read the story about the painting there…
As always, thanks for reading.