Monday, April 15, 2013

Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear

I bought the wood yesterday to complete Candice's ventilation fan and to build some square shelves to hang on the walls of Donna's bedroom.  Once I get the fan assembled, I then need to but the rest of the ducting to connect from her desk to where the fan will sit.  As for the shelves, I guess I'll be learning to use my router one of the next few weekends.

Also on my agenda is raising Gabe's curtain rod.  The current one was placed in-line with where the old one was shabbily put up and the compound to fill the spot didn't hold up too well and it wants to fall off.  So I need to move it higher.  And re-patch the holes.  And paint over the patching.

We also need to get off our arse and tape and paint Megi's room.  I finished the ceilings there over a month ago and taped around the trim, but we haven't done anything since.  We need to finish taping it and then paint the walls.  We've also decided to do the trim in green rather than white, so her room will be purple, teal, and green.

We bought an invisible fence with two collars for stubborn dogs.  I'm not sure if I need that much persuasion, but it's adjustable up to a higher level than most in case I need it.  Hopefully Bailey doesn't completely disregard it.  I plan to put it up on a nice weekend, but I also have to dig in the yard to bury part of it.  but once i get this done, I can start leveling the yard for the swimming pool and start clearing out the garden for this year's crops.

Also on the agenda is to connect some more hose to the sprinkler system to included the flower garden (and garden better than last year).

We bought some nylon screen to replace the metal one in the screen door that we replaced last year.  Not that we necessarily think it'll hold up better, but it'll be less dangerous for kids if it does get holes in it.  We also plan to "sew" some of it onto the trampoline netting where the dogs caused a large hole and we have to sit in front of it to ensure Megi doesn't fall out of it.  The other two are so far smart enough to not run up against it.

I'm sure there are about 6 or 7 other projects I have to do, but I haven't been my usual self and made out a list of them, so they're likely going to be forgotten for a long time.

Anyway, that's all for this week's blog.  Thanks for reading.

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