I did, in fact, manage to write some this past Sunday (640 words it seems after typing it up) on Forbidden Knowledge. It's up to over 3200 words so far. I don't know how close to the end it is though, it hasn't told me how it'll end yet. I haven't written any since then towards it, but that's because a) it hasn't called to me to write on it, and b) I really haven't had the opportunity to write since Sunday.
I'm hoping it'll tell me the rest of the story soon, and then let one of the other stories start revealing themselves. Maybe the zombie story, maybe the vampire one, maybe the werewolf one, maybe Red at Night (the companion story to Mary's Painting), maybe the time travel one, maybe the murder mystery, or maybe one of the other fifty or so stories that I've jotted down at least a kernel about...
That's it for the writing front, on to some of the "life" topics:
Donna's hand has mostly healed from her burn. The skin is still a darker red than the surrounding skin, but other than that, it looks great and is pain free (unless she's trying for sympathy, then she can't use it for anything). She started back to Day Care/Preschool today (she goes two days a week). This fall, she'll be starting all day Kindergarten and Megi will be taking her slot (we assume/hope) at the daycare/preschool. We really need to ask to make sure that plan will work out, but the lady in charge is never there when I remember (she's practically never there in the afternoons it seems).
Last night, Gabe had the annual class concert. He did awesome. Usually, he loses focus and stops singing along about 2/3 of the way through, and he never does any of the hand motions/signing that might go along with them. but last night, he sang along for the entire show, and he did most of the motions, too. You could tell that he really enjoyed the Star Spangled Banner performance where they beat some colored plates together and made several different sounds with them. I'm not sure if Candice saw how much his face seemed to light up when they were doing this performance, she thought using the plates was hilarious and was trying to control her laughter the entire time. :-) I was especially impressed with Gabe performing the entire show because they did a lot of "rounds" and "complementary songs" which made it more difficult for him to concentrate. We took him out for ice cream afterwards.
On my To Do list in the coming weeks/this weekend is:
1) Finally put the new year sticker on my license plate. I've had them for nearly a month now, I really need to put them on. It's just been mostly too cold lately.
2) Make some time to write. I need to figure out a way to write at home where I don't feel like I'm ignoring my family. Perhaps at the kids' nap time and Candice can work on her dollhouses at the same time so she won't feel the same about me. We'll both be accomplishing something we want to do, and we shouldn't feel bad about doing it, because otherwise we'd likely just be doing nothing really.
3) Try to get Gabe's name changed with the Social Security Administration. It's been changed nearly four years now, we might as well let the Feds know about it... This will probably be more likely a task for within the next couple of months, but it's officially on my actual To Do list, and not just my "I should do this" list.
4) Help Candice wiring her dollhouses when she's ready for that and has bought the wiring kits she needs (assuming she wants me to help her).
5) Clean the garage.
6) Carry trash and recycling out of our bedroom (I really should have done that before this morning since today was trash/recycling day).
I'm sure there's more for the To Do List, and I'll add to it as I remember it.
That's all I have for this blog, thanks for reading.