Thursday, March 22, 2012

Premature Coffination (second post of the day)

So, turns out the guy who I was getting the coffin from got the transaction vetoed by his wife.  Though they've never used it before and it is taking up a lot of space that they need, she wants to keep it.

But on the bright side, in my efforts to get a debt consolidation loan that haven't been working for a couple of years now, I managed to refinance the car for 5 years at half the interest rate and get the full current value of the car in the loan.  This gave me almost the amount I wanted in the debt consolidation loan at a better rate than I would have gotten if I had gotten the debt consolidation loan which I can apply towards the credit card debt.  In all, I'll be saving at least $3300 per year in interest payments alone.  That should have me paying off all non-house debts (including the car that was refinanced) in just 4 years time or less.  w00t w00t!

That also means that we have breathing room on our budget, which is the more important thing as my financial stress levels have plummeted to reasonable levels.  It also means other house projects will start sooner (Art shed/basement/furniture, etc).

It's a great day!  Thanks for reading.

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