An aspiring author's trek through life as he tries to write while working as a satellite engineer to put food on the table and a roof over the head for his family. (Current artwork shown is Michael Konrad Hirt's A vanitas still life with a candle, an inkwell, a quill pen, a skull and books)
Saturday, October 4, 2014
The Thirteenth Story
On that note, let's delve into the not so mundane stuff going on in my family life this past week:
Candice now has full-blown pneumonia along with a staph infection and an ear/sinus infection. Donna has a cough that the doctor said we're going to treat as a cold. Megi has recovered from her pneumonia (though she still has a cough). Gabe has a cough and a doctor's appointment Tuesday. And Grandma went into the hospital because we thought she had the flu along with her toe infection and was getting dehydrated and barely able to eat anything. Turns out it was mostly about the toe infection, which required her toe to be amputated. Then while checking her out because of her staph infection, they discovered that the infection was affecting her heart valve, so they've transferred her to a Denver hospital for heart surgery tomorrow.
So, all-in-all, a rough week for the family.
That's all for this entry, thanks for reading. (And if you are a fan of my T. Allan Bishop Facebook Page, please click "like" on the link to this I post there, Facebook isn't showing them to most of the people who have clicked like on the page but nothing more, and so a lot of people aren't seeing the blog updates when they are posted there, and the only way to remedy this is by getting more "likes" on posts there...)
Friday, September 26, 2014
Sometimes they're inspiring, sometimes, not
I don't know if that is caused by the particular books, or if the feelings of inspiration make me more or less perceptible to those side ideas. But I do know that I've never had the "feeling" switch midstream in a book. In other words, if a book starts out inspiring, it keeps inspiring until I finish it. If a book starts out sucking away my inspiration, it keeps me in a non-inspired state until I finish it.
Right now, I'm listening to William Gibson's Neuromancer, which was a groundbreaking book that essentially introduced the genre of Cyber Punk. Although it's entertaining, this seems to be one of those inspirational draining books, as I find I can't think of a single thing worth writing about while I listen to it.
In other news, Megi has pneumonia, but is in pretty good spirits. Grandma and Candice both have the flu, and are both barely able to move around the house. Gabe is excited about participating in the 100 mile running club, and is also trying much harder at math. He isn't very good at math, but I'm very proud of him for wanting to try and be better at it (as opposed to before when he didn't care at all). And Donna seems to be getting everything right on all the classwork that is sent home. She can even read a few words now, too.
That's all for this entry, thanks for reading. (And if you are a fan of my T. Allan Bishop Facebook Page, please click "like" on the link to this I post there, Facebook isn't showing them to most of the people who have clicked like on the page but nothing more, and so a lot of people aren't seeing the blog updates when they are posted there, and the only way to remedy this is by getting more "likes" on posts there...)
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Reminiscing With People I've Never Met
Shame on me.
Since then, I've been on two vacations (including one without kids), the kids have started back to school, the youngest is mostly potty-trained, and I haven't made one iota of progress towards the book being published.
Yes, you read that right. Not one iota. To be honest, it has probably only crossed my mind about four times. That fills me with shame and regret. I need to get busy. If I don't get it done soon, I'll probably just give up on it, which isn't really what anyone wants.
So, what do I need to do to make it happen?
Well, first off, I need to finish writing it. I want there to be 13 stories in it. I have 12. I've looked through some of my past stuff to see if there's anything I could "polish off" and fill out the list, but none of them seem to fit correctly. Which means I need to write another story. To do that, I need three things: an idea, inspiration, and motivation.
I have plenty of ideas, but none are currently inspiring my muse, which seems to also have gone on holiday for a while. Hopefully s/he will return soon. The last part of the equation usually sparks up when the inspiration strikes, so...
What happens after I finish writing it? I need to have it edited. Self-editing can only take you so far, because you know what you intended to say, and often will read it that way when reviewing it. So, I need to find someone to edit it for me. My wife and editor has dozens of projects on her books for her art career, and I don't want her to get sidetracked from them. I also don't want to pay someone to edit them when I'll probably not recover the fees in sales. (I'm realistic about how many I'll actually sell.) We have ideas here, but don't need to worry about them until I'm ready to explore them.
Say I get it edited, then what?
Then I have to get a cover designed. Even though it will only be an e-book, I still need a cover for it. Covers are usually the first impression a potential reader has when deciding to try the book or not. Also, several sites will not put them on their featured pages without cover art. I'm not much of an artist. My wife, who is an amazing artist, also has her own projects (as I mentioned before). Assuming a time constraint in getting the cover designed, my best bet would be to develop a "temporary" cover art until a much better one could be put in it's place (the nice thing about e-publishing is that the product can be updated to change out plain cover art with better stuff, "also by this artist" pages with updated ones, etc.). that would allow me to publish it shortly after finishing the writing/editing phase without having to "push" or "rush" my wife to do a better cover on my timeline. I know she hates deadline type work and would then grow to hate the project if I did it that way versus allowing her to do it on her own timeline.
So, that being said, I will start carrying around an idea book and pencil more often (it'll also be easier since we're closing in on the time of year when I have my jacket with me when I'm out) in hopes of getting those key materials needed to getting the thirteenth story written for this collection. Maybe I'll even force myself to write even when I don't feel inspired. It's usually the advice famous artists/writers give to aspiring artists/writers. Even if I throw most of it away, I might find one gem in the bunch.
What about future stories/books, you ask?
Well, those will almost certainly happen if I can get this one story written. I have several ideas (that don't fit with this collection I think) percolating in the back of my mind. Several involve splitting up larger story ideas I've had into smaller stories that build on each other for one larger tale when put together as a whole, but each of which could be a small story in itself. Plus there's the "new takes on classic horror stories" of vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc. that I'd like to include in the same book, but none of which are beyond the early idea stages yet.
Now, on to the fun stuff:
The Sharks only have one game in Colorado this upcoming regular season, so I bought better-than-normal tickets and got second row seats across from the Avs bench for the game this year with Candice. Then right after I buy them, the school announces that the fourth grade concert (which is usually MUCH later in the school year) will be that very same night. Gabe loathes going to those events DURING and AFTER they've happened, but generally HAS to go to them because everyone else is. Since we know how he's felt about all of them in the past, we plan to divert his attention that night. We're going to give him the Blu-Ray of Captain America: Winter Soldier and let him watch it for the first time that night. Should make everyone happy.
Also, this year, Candice will be playing Fantasy Hockey with me. I'm excited that she'll be participating in a hobby I find fun. Right now I have 5 teams in the league, all of whom I know, and most of whom are mostly new to fantasy hockey. We need an even number, so I need at least one more, and preferably three more. It should be interesting seeing her root even more for some players as the season unfolds!
Megi is mostly over her feat of the potty, and is essentially potty trained. She also started preschool two days a week. Donna started kindergarten this year. My goodness where has the time gone?
We spent the money we had saved up for a new bed on getting the house painted to satisfy the HOA. It needed it anyway, but I was hoping for another year or two before we were forced to do it. Now, we're saving up for it again.
Halloween is just around the corner, and this year we have a crying angel statue to add to the cemetery. Here in a couple of weeks, we'll take the kids to get their costumes and put up the cemetery fencing, then the week of Halloween, I'll set up the rest of the stuff. Hopefully, we get a good deal on November 1st for something good to add to next year's exhibit.
Megi has figured out pedaling the tri-cycle, but still has a few issues with it, but at least we don't have to push her for the most part any more. Donna, is getting really good at riding her bike, but needs a larger one. We'll probably get that and then start on the no training wheels thing. Gabe, as always has already outgrown his bike, but until he starts learning to use his hand-brakes, we're holding off as long as possible before getting him his first adult sized bike.
I also learned about the Elio around the 4th of July weekend and made a deposit on one. I got my number in line the other day, and I should get the 5,751st Elio to roll off the assembly line next year this time.
I know I'm leaving out a bunch of stuff since I missed so many months, but thanks for reading anyway!
Monday, May 19, 2014
Lucky 13
In other news, Candice has been suffering from a mystery illness for over a month now. The doctor now thinks it is her gall bladder and/or an ulcer. She goes in tomorrow morning for an ultrasound for the gall bladder, and sometime later this week or next for a throat scope to find out about the ulcer (and esophageal cancer possibilities). Either way, we probably can't start and "hard" treatments until we return from vacation mid-June time-frame. Of course, we are both fighting off a head cold right now, too.
I just started the sprinklers and cut the grass for the first time this year, so spring/summer has officially begun now.
Also, I need to take out the "missile" (luggage container that we mount on the roof of the Santa Fe for vacations) and rinse it out since it got a lot of mud, etc. in it in the rain storms last year before we were able to get it inside out of the elements. We also need to start working on a "To Do" for getting ready for our vacation. (I'm pretty sure Candice just rolled her eyes as she read that.)
Anyway, that's all I have for right now, thanks for reading!
Friday, May 2, 2014
Juggling Stories
So, I was counting stories that I have in the works and finished. I currently have 12 stories completed (they still need editing to get the final "polish." I have 17 short stories I currently have in various stages of writing ranging from idea formed, but no words written, to over half-way written. I also have two much longer stories that have a lot of words written, but I don't really like them in their current form, so I plan to re-write them. I also have a story that was in the general genre of fantasy that I plan to turn into a series of about 20 short stories instead of one longer story. I'll probably include them all together and get the same effect as a longer story, but also individual stories/chapters should be able to stand mostly alone. So, all totaled, I have about 40-41 stories currently in work or completed.
On that note, I just finished one the other night. It is essentially a flash fiction story totaling around 750 words and 3 pages titled Modern Day Good Samaritan.
My basic hope / plan for the book is to have it ready to be purchased before the summer is half over so that more people can enjoy it during downtime from work. Ideally, it would be out at the beginning of the summer, but I don't see finishing the editing and cover design that soon.
So that's the latest on the writing front, thanks for reading.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Depression is a liar.
Depression lies to you. It tells you that you are worthless. It tells you things are hopeless. It tells you no one can help you, so it advises you to withdraw from others and even yourself. All of these are untrue, and the advice is the worst possible approach you could take.
So, what can you do?
Some of the simplest strategies involve connecting and exercising. Better yet, combine the two. Go for a vigorous walk with a friend or loved one. It breaks down the walls of isolation that squeeze you into an even tighter depression while producing endorphins to improve your outlook on the moment.
Call up a friend and talk.
Compliment someone you don't know. Smiles are infectious. Seeing a smile come across their face will nourish that feeling of worthwhile that's been dying of malnutrition deep inside your core.
Stop focusing on the negatives. Try to find a positive in every situation for an entire day. If someone says something to you that you'd normally take as a negative, examine it to see if you might have just pre-disposed yourself for it to be a negative and perhaps they meant it as a positive. If they clearly did not, think of how much worse off their life must be that they feel like they need to try to drag everyone down to their level of misery. Do this for a whole day, and you'll find a decrease in your stress levels. Then do it again the next day.
Don't listen to "downer" or "angry" music unless it usually puts you into a happy mood. Find happier music to listen to when you are in your most down moods.
Change your routine for a short period of time. Don't let the same thing every day get you into a rut. Try something different. If you can't think of anything, try some basic stuff. Try learning to use your non-dominant hand to do a basic task you do every day like brush your teeth. Try pulling out a board game you haven't played in forever and playing it with a friend. Sign up for a class to learn something you've always wanted to learn. It doesn't really matter about getting a good grade as long as you achieve the objectives of a) changing your routine and b) learning something new.
Host a get-together for friends and ask them to invite someone they think you might like. During the gathering, don't let yourself be a wallflower.
If you have any other ideas of quick, short-term fixes, PLEASE post your ideas in the comments, and thanks for reading.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Death Takes A Vacation
A little over a week ago, Candice's grandma suffered a heart attack and had to be carried away by ambulance. She's fine now, but it was scary for a couple of days. She made it home just in time for her birthday party (which was also Gabe's and Jeanette's party). She's been tired a lot more since coming home, but seems to be getting stronger with each passing day.
Gabe has become a greedy little jerk. Everything is all about "me, me, me" and "gimme, gimme." I know we're not knowingly promoting such an attitude, and it makes us want to go without giving presents to him for a while if he doesn't grow out of it soon.
Now for the "big" writing news - yesterday I sat down and wrote for the first time in weeks, and not only did I start a new story, I finished a new story. It's only 3 pages and about 1200 words, but it's a pretty decent story. It revolves around who death is, and his decision to finally take a vacation, which turns into him taking off a whole year and covers how the world changes in that time.
It was a concept that occurred to me while listening to The Book Thief (which we're almost finished listening to). It is narrated by death and he describes taking the souls away, so naturally, the though occurred to me "What if he didn't do it?"
Anyway, that's what has been happening with me and my writing lately, thanks for reading.
Friday, March 21, 2014
New Approaches
OK, thanks. They'll appreciate it (BTW, the advice will also work for new/lesser known authors with mainstream publishers, too.
So what's happening in the writing world of T. Allan Bishop lately? Well, the muse story stepped back and hasn't cried out for more to be written lately, so I have it set slightly aside. The zombie story has reshaped itself, and I've written several sections for it over the past week. It looks now like it'll be formed mostly of "newspaper articles," "police report" excerpts, "medical and lab report" excerpts, personal letters, etc. I don't know if that will be just one section that talks about the outbreak and part II might change POV to be first or third person yet or not. the story hasn't revealed details from that far ahead yet. I do know that some of the personal notes will be from at least one zombie. I know that this isn't the first time an approach like this has been used (Stephen King's Carrie comes to mind), but it's a new approach for me.
The Josef Mengele vampire story has been popping into my head a little lately, too. So, it might just turn out that I start juggling stories based on which one is yelling at me the loudest that day.
I got tired of having to constantly reboot my phone, have apps stop responding, the previously awesome battery life suddenly being non-existent, and the phone not even give me the option to answer it. I was planning on buying it later this summer when I hoped a sale would be happening (though it was going to be painful waiting that long when it was basically a paper weight). When I did a search for rumored sales of the phone I had decided I wanted, I found that it was $130 cheaper from Amazon than from Verizon, so I went ahead and got it and will be putting the money I was going to be setting aside for it to the credit card bill to pay for it. We'll keep the Amazon route in mind when we go to upgrade Candice's phone eventually, too. If it saves us $$, why not?
I got the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. The primary reason was because I have large clumsy fingers and figured (correctly) that it would be easier for me to type, etc on it. The secondary reasons was that it has handwriting recognition and I figured that could help me as a writer, and that it has good battery life. It turns out the handwriting recognition is AMAZING (but slow). It recognized my handwriting even when I wrote in my crappiest form and EVEN when I wrote in cursive. I have to write a little slower to get the handwriting recognition to work and convert to typed text, but I'll be able to use it when waiting in waiting rooms, or lying in bed and getting inspired, etc. So, as a writer, this is the first time that writing using technology has excited me instead of simply handwriting on paper with a pencil, this is another new approach for me to writing. Granted, when I really get in the groove, I will still probably use a pad and pencil for now, but eventually this might be the way I go. (This phone will also allow me to change the battery if/when this one starts to die, too).
That's all I have for this post. Thanks for reading.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
How To Best Support Your Favorite Independent Author (or Artist)
When you discover one of these authors, there are some things you can do to make them more successful. This has already happened to some, who have been picked up by larger publishers for better distribution. Here's a small list that isn't all-inclusive:
1. The obvious: Buy their books.
2. The next obvious: Tell your friends and family.
3. The not-so-obvious: Write a review of their book. This is perhaps the most important thing you can do, because it will reach so many more people and surveys have shown that at twice as many of "first time" book purchases for a new author are based more on reviews than by recommendations from friends or family.
4. Corollary to #3: Review the book on other sites where you can. This includes other venues where it can be bought as well as sites like Goodreads and Shelfari.
5: Important corollary to numbers 3 and 4: Do not write a review that will make the book sound better than it really is. Write an HONEST review of it. If it is 4 stars, don't give it 5 just because you've liked their other works or know them and want them to be more successful. Write it honestly and include enough details to help someone else decide if they, too, might like to read it (but not so much you reveal the story).
6. If they have a web page, share it on social media for them.
7. If they have a social media presence, follow them. But it isn't enough to just follow them. You also need to share, click like, +1, etc. their posts. Facebook for instance, inhibits small businesses and independent authors and artists from being seen by their core audience and followers with their algorithm to show "what is important" by only selecting random posts from a site you've clicked "like" on. The more posts from that page gets shared and/or liked, the more of their posts that will show to people that have already clicked "like" on their page (and the more likely they can then click "like" or "share").
8. Corollary to #7: go to their page just in case you didn't get to see some of their posts.
9. Encourage them. Post something to their page letting them know you anxiously await their next book, but don't be too pushy. Artists and Authors like encouragement, but not so much pressure to complete something.
10. Repeat.
That's all for this week's blog. Thanks for reading.
Connect with Me
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Fonts Can Be A Hassle
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Pricing For Dark Stories For A Restless Night
On another writing note, I did write more for the muse story the other night, though I think the second section that I wrote belongs at the beginning. It's also shaping up to be a frightening story for artist types. We'll see if my muse strikes some more later this week.
That's all I have for this entry, thanks for reading!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Forbidden Knowledge Finished!
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Lazy Saturday
I haven't written anything yet this weekend, but I have gotten something accomplished from my To Do list. I carried out the recycling and trash from the bedroom. That was all from my actual list, but in addition to that, I loaded the dishwasher and glued a broken piece to Gabe's combination miniature foosball/air hockey/pool table (though in fairness, I did that last night).
It has been snowing out all morning, making me reluctant to go clean my license plates and put the new sticker on them. If it warms up later, I'll do it this weekend.
I need to also cut a board for Candice's witch cottage dollhouse. That would require me moving my car out of the garage and staying out there long enough to move stuff off the saw and to cut the board, so if it warms enough to put the license plate sticker on my car, that is entirely within the realm of possibility for this weekend, too.
That's all I have for now, thanks for reading.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Recent Progress and Other Random Bits of Information
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Door Nameplates Finished!
Quick Writing Update 22 February 2014
So, yay me. I have to work crew tomorrow. Hopefully things will go slowly so I'll have the opportunity to write more on it. That of course assumes the story will speak to me tomorrow, too. We'll see.
On a non-writing related note, I've made a lot of progress painting the kids' door nameplates, and hope to finish that stage of the process soon. Next after that will be gluing the pieces on them and screwing the clips to them. After that, I'll just need to tie the twine in place on each of them and put the hooks in the doors (and of course take pictures to post here).
That's all for this update. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Writing Update 19 Feb 14
First, some exciting news on the writing front: I'm up to ten pages in Forbidden Knowledge (not including the title page) now, with a total of almost two thousand words, and the story seems like it still has a lot more to tell me. I'm excited to find out how it'll end. Since I finally started listening to Forbidden Knowledge and writing down the story as it relates itself to me, I haven't put much thought (if any) into the other stories.
I think the name for the second short story collection will be At The Turn Of Midnight, and Forbidden Knowledge will be the first story I plan to put into it. Once I finish writing it (the short story, not the collection), though, I really need to focus my energy on editing and cover design for Dark Stories For A Restless Night. If I don't, I'll probably never actually publish it, so I'll need to crack the whip on myself.
In other news, Donna burned her hand pretty badly a week ago. When I first got home and found out about it, the blister was about a half inch by a quarter inch, so I found some second skin and put it on it. But about 4 hours later, the blister had grown in size to where it was now larger than the patch I'd put on it. So, we took her to the doctor the next morning and had her treated. Yesterday, it finally popped, so we took her back. It's healing up pretty nicely, but I doubt she'll want to mess with the oven anytime soon as a result of the burn.
I'm now bandage free after my altercation with the knife I was using to cut apart ribs last week. It still hurts occasionally and is still pretty sensitive to direct pressure, but it is healing up nicely.
Gabe had a weird bout with something Friday at school where he was laying on the playground and his eyes were twitching. When he got up, he walked a few steps and then dropped to his knees momentarily. They called home to tell Candice that they were going to keep a closer eye on him. Later, he was (seemingly) unable to track what he was looking at on the computer, so they called home again and we went to pick him up. He was quite upset that he missed the Valentine's Day party, but we'd rather be safe than sorry. We took him to the doctor, and she concluded that it was probably one of three things, either a mild virus, a seizure, or heart problems. We're going to make an appointment for an EKG here soon to eliminate the last option. The other two aren't nearly as worrisome for now. If it was a virus, it's likely out of his system. If it was a seizure, it's likely just a one time thing, as he's never had them before and hasn't shown any other signs of having more.
Also recently, Megi and Candice have both hurt themselves, so, if we can stop having unexpected medical expenses, that'd be great.
I got a decent amount of painting done on the door nameplates over the past few days. Hopefully, I'll get them done soon and get them fully assembled so I can hang them up and actually have another woodworking project I set out to do completed.
Yesterday, Megi managed to somehow knock her door off of two of it's hinges, stripping out the screws and all. Mind you, she's only two and a half years old. We're not sure how she managed it, but in the process of repairing it, I discovered that it had happened before. It was holding up halfway decently, so I'm still not sure how she managed to do it. BUT, in looking at the previous handiwork (along with lots of other repair work the previous owners did to the house), I'm surprised the previous owners made money at being in the contracting business, because he SUCKED at basic home repair stuff. In this case, he used a drywall screw anchor to "fix" the door screws. In other instances, he also used screws that were a quarter of an inch wide (not deep - wide) for hanging pictures on the wall. There's lots more, but I really don't know how the man made money. Then again, maybe he did stuff just good enough that no one realized he was crappy, and he moved because it was getting about time that things might start to fail, so he needed to leave before his reputation would affect his business.
Anyway, that's all I have for this blog. Thanks for reading.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Today's Agenda 15 Feb 14
So, what do I have on my list?
(In no particular order)
1) Paint the kids' door nameplate pieces. (I'll probably need to go to the bad place or a craft store to get a few more colors for this project. Last night I bought some clips to screw onto them, so that they can also be used for leaving messages and surprises for the kids, too. I only needed three, and they came two to a pack, but they were on sale for three packs for the price of two, so I have six clips now.
2) Write some more for Forbidden Knowledge.
3) Play some games with Gabe and try to teach him some sportsmanship, and that losing isn't the end of the world.
4) Keep the kids away from Candice so she can get back on her schedule for building the dollhouse she is excited to put together.
5) Finish assembling the nameplates and hang them (See #1 on this list)
6) Go deposit money in the bank towards our furniture fund. After this deposit, we'll be at 44% (including tax) of what we need for the new bed and mattress set we've prioritized as first on our list. With the amount I'm setting aside each paycheck, we'll be getting it a year from now if we don't put any additional deposits in. If we do, we get it sooner. Our goal is to get it for each other for Christmas (and then we'll even be easy to shop for this Christmas as we'll need new sheets, etc. for the new size bed).
7) Remember the other four or five things I had listed out in my head when I sat down to start writing this blog and do them, too...
That's all I have for this blog, thanks for reading.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Office update
It'd be nice to save a few hundred dollars.
Monday, February 10, 2014
More Forbidden Knowledge
When I got to Urgent Care, they informed me it'd be two to three hours, so I sent Candice home while I waited so the kids could be put down for their nap, etc. While waiting for so long, I came up with the brilliant idea to <gasp> write. So, I walked down the way to the (literally) corner drug store and bought a new pad and some new mechanical pencils, went back and started writing.
I wrote the first sentence of what is to be Forbidden Knowledge, and it promptly yelled at me that I had written something completely wrong. So I turned the page and started over. by the way, the wrong sentence read "Nathaniel woke from the repeated rapping at his door." It now reads "Nathaniel Scribner opened the doors of the library to the complete disarray inside."
That's all you get for now, but suffice it to say that I now see why the story told me I'd screwed up because it's a much better story the way it is heading now. Did I mention that I now have 5 typed pages? Woo Hoo for me (and the story).
Well, momentum is going for it, but hopefully it doesn't get derailed. I have a tendency not to write when I'm around people I want to be around, which usually means I don't write at home unless they are all busy doing other things and then I might take the time to write.
I have no idea how much more the story has to revel to me and my pencil, but it's fairly exciting to see the words as I write them.
On a related note, my "new" laptop that I salvaged a few weeks back started dying. It was taking me about two hours of getting it to boot/repair startup/etc for every 15 minutes of use. So, I broke down and got a new one. I managed to get a decent one for about $400, but it's a Windows 8 machine. I figured out how to get it to (mostly) behave like a Windows 7 machine, so I can bear to use it. Now I just need to get a new copy of Office (and not that 365 crap - I need to be able to use it when I don't have internet access, too - plus I don't want to have to keep paying for it every month).
Anyway, that's all I have for this post, thanks for reading!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Forbidden Knowledge
Friday, January 24, 2014
Writing Update 24 Jan 2014
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Also, last night, we finally set up the vivarium we've had for nearly a year now that was just collecting dust. Today, we went and got frogs for it. Since they're nocturnal creatures, we decided to name them after night related gods. We've named them Morpheus, Nyx, and Apollo. Morpheus is the god of dreams. Nyx is the goddess of night. And Apollo rides across the sky in a chariot when morning arises. They are all green tree frogs for us to get the hang of it. At $5 each, it's not so bad if we fail with them as it would be if they were the red eye tree frogs that run about $50 each.
Eventually, we'll have the other kind (or something cooler). We'll probably not stop there, either, but we will probably slow down on new pet acquisitions for a while, if for no other reason than the budget won't allow for it.
Candice hasn't been motivated to create lately, so hopefully the new creatures might inspire her a bit.
That, or they'll keep us up all night barking and we'll both lose all creative drive from sleep deprivation.
Here's some pictures of the froggies:
And the vivarium (the first two are from just before we finished setting it up):
To be honest, we haven't done a single thing towards editing or cover design in over a week and a half. Don't worry, though, we will still have the book out this year one way or another, and it should be available in the store you get your e-books from. I have a page or so written on the zombie story, and it is starting to morph into being told multiple different ways within the story itself. I think there will be excerpts from several different writing sources (scientific documents, personal correspondence, news stories, etc) that when combined in the right order, will tell the basic story. Don't worry, part of it is still indeed first person point of view from at least one of the zombies. I'm not sure how it will all play out yet, though. And to be sure, that's the way I prefer it. If I know where the story will lead before I get there, I will lose interest in it and not actually write it.
Anyway, that's all I have for this blog post at this time. Have a nice day and thanks for reading!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Coincidence, A sign, or Just Annoying?
The story doesn't have a title yet, not even a working one. It's still in early writing phase. For most of my stories, I have at most a vague idea of what is going to happen, if that, and I let the words for the story as they flow off my pencil.
That being said, though, I jotted down an idea back in October when Candice and I were listening to The Shining in anticipation of the new Doctor Sleep book by Stephen King. It simply read "Not all books should be opened. Not all knowledge should be gained." It was inspired by a quick blurb when Jack found the scrapbook in the basement of the Overlook and something told him not to open the book because not all books should be opened.
After that, I proceeded to write a few paragraphs from that, and even got a general idea of where it might go. I never typed it up, and came across the idea a month later, but not the start of the story that I'd written, so I started it again. Suffice it to say, none of those ever got typed up even as a place marker to start writing the story. In the past week, I've come across the idea again, as well as each of the handwritten pages that start the story. It's very odd that they would keep popping in front of me at different times.
It makes me wonder if it's a sign that I should be working on that story, if it's just coincidence, or if it's just annoying. Anyway, I've typed them up and at least saved them so that I can work on them later. Here's the first few paragraphs, let me know what you think of the opening:
Not all books should be opened. Not all knowledge should be gained. I know this now, but I’d have considered those words blasphemous for a librarian to utter even a year ago.
Back then, I ravenously fed on all knowledge and reading. I cherished any ancient text that my hungry brain could come across. To me, there was no concept even of forbidden knowledge.
But now I know better. Now I know that some knowledge should be forbidden.
That's the preface and likely the tag lines for the story. I'm not sure if I'll switch over to writing more on it now, or if I'll wait, or if I'll split time between the two.
If I keep coming across "signs" to write more on the "Forbidden Knowledge" project, I might have to finally take notice that I'm meant to work on it before my first person zombie story (even though it is finally starting to come to the surface).
As for the zombie story, the preface (as I mentioned earlier) appears in a slightly different form in Darkness. Then, when I start telling the story, it's in the form of a letter from the main character. I'm thinking about including pictures of the scrawl along with the typed text to show just how unreadable it is, since it is being written by someone with very little control over their muscles. What I don't know is if that is just a quick blurb of a story that'll be followed by a separate, bigger zombie story, or if it'll lead to a bigger story within the one I'm already writing.
Other projects waiting in the writing wing include my vampire story where Josef Mengele is the vampire and retells history from that aspect. Since Josef is the main character in it, I have to find a way to make him more sympathetic, while at the same time still a horrendously horrible person from history. I also have a werewolf story brewing in my head too, so that it appears like a big portion of the second book might be my takes on some classic horror genres.
Either way, it all seems to be coming together as long as I can keep motivated.
On a different front, here are some season and half-season premier dates we're looking forward to in the near future:
Face Off - 14 Jan 2014
Walking Dead - 9 Feb 2014
Whose Line Is It Anyway? - 21 Mar 2014
That's all I have for this entry. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Has It Been Six Years Already?
Just over six months later, we got married. I haven't been happier in my adult life, and I also have three wonderful (though often obnoxious) kids that bring a smile to my face most days.
Here's to sixty more years!
Today, we plan to make some jam for the book fair at Gabe's school that comes up the first two weeks of February. Candice is one of the driving forces for it, and works most of the nights it happens. Several times throughout it, they have a bake sale to raise more funds. This year, we plan to have jam as our contribution those nights.
I need to write more towards my next story. I haven't really added much of anything to it since last weekend, and then I only added a couple of paragraphs.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Great News in Bundles!
Also, reports are coming in that Hallie Marie White has been found alive. Hopefully, she is also safe and unharmed. I've updated my previous blog post about her (at the top of it, of course) to show she was found.
I removed the Goodreads code from the blog page because of two reasons, first, every time I posted a blog entry to my Facebook page, it insisted on using one of the book covers as the image for the post, and secondly because it didn't update dynamically when I finished a new book. I didn't want to have to re-post the code every time I finished a book. So, if you want to follow what I've been reading, friend me on Goodreads.
I've also started adding "labels" to my blog posts, and as a side project, I've been going back and adding them to past blog posts. I don't know if they help, but I'm adding them anyway.
I've started the zombie story. It's looking like it will shape up to a decent story, but might take a while to write. Also, it looks like Dark Stories For A Restless Night will probably be priced at $1.99 when we finish editing and designing the cover.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Missing Child
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Recent Happenings
The other day I took down most of the outdoor Christmas lights and decorations. I hung the curtain rod in Megi's room. I fixed the sliding glass door (it wouldn't lock any more, but does now). And I re-installed Candice's Sims 3 games on her computer because it was crashing all the time. Well, it still crashes, but seems to be performing better than it was. I have to read some articles on how to fix it. Ele¢troni¢ Art$ should stop putting out crappy programs that require computer experts to "fix" your computer after you install their games. That's my opinion of the whole thing. Most other games don't seem to have issues if you have a system (well) above the minimum standard for running the program. It would be nice if a company that gave a crap about the people that bought its product would take over for them, but that'$ too much to hope for...
Yesterday, I went to see the Sharks-Avs play with Candice. My team has yet to win when Candice goes to the game. :-/ But in this case, her team (and my #2 team) won, so it's all good.
Today, we plan to take down and box up more Christmas decorations rather than venture out into the single digit temperatures. The kids want to go outside and build a snowman. More power to them, especially since that's real hard to do here with the snow as dry as it is most of the time.
Anyway, that's all I have for this blog, thanks for reading.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Close To Completion
For now, my biggest decision will be what to title the first book of short stories. I originally had one thing in mind, then another. Now, I'm leaning towards Dark Stories For A Restless Night. I might think of something more awe-inspiring later.
For now, the book consists of the following stories (And a quick blurb about each):
Mary's Painting - A woman buys more than she expects when she purchases a painting on a whim
Sins of the Father - A priest defends the mission he presides over
The Fall - A young boy awakens after a bad accident while playing
Darkness - A group sets out on a rescue mission in the Mexican jungles and finds themselves at peril
Cat's Eye View - Find out why cats behave the way they do
The Viewing - Witness the last days of life on a distant planet
The Journey - A man travels exestentially through the cosmos
Un-Separation - A man's unhappy and unexpected reunion with his wife
That's all I have for this entry, thanks for reading.
Quill Writing